We rush from event to event every day, work through to-do lists at lightning speed, eat our lunch on the way to the next meeting and drink our coffee in front of the laptop during the morning meeting. We think about what we still have to do and where we are going next. We drink our coffee from the white kea cup, which sits perfectly in our hand, is ergonomic and so perfect that we don’t even notice how the cup is suddenly empty and we haven’t even tasted what we’ve actually drunk.
It seems as if very little takes place in the here and now. Basic things like eating are done in between everyday to-dos without actually happening consciously. All of this is a symptom of our society trying to keep up with the fast-paced world and shows how necessary a return to more intense personal experiences with the world is.
People surround themselves with an infinite number of objects, material goods that accompany them on their journey through life and with which experiences and memories are associated, with which they identify, but which nevertheless seem to get lost in our everyday lives.
This work explores the question of how objects can offer added value in an already materially overcrowded world and what role handmade ceramics can play in this. The aim of the work is to find out whether handmade drinking vessels can trigger a moment of pause, tranquillity and listening can be triggered in users and whether, by using them, they can regain some of the deceleration and attention that seem to have been lost in our fast-paced world.
As part of an exhibition and an experiential workshop, people are invited to interact with the obiects and sharpen their eve for evervday objects in order to develop an awareness of the things they surround themselves with.